Saturday, October 25, 2014

MINTY PROMPT #1 : Screaming & Honesty Circles


This activity combines the concepts of scream circles and honesty circles:

What are Scream Circles?

" Scream Circles is a new way for women to connect -- by screaming. Let's face it, we all have the desire to scream, but that can be hard to do in small apartments. We do hazardous things to our health -- we drink more than we should, we get in fights for the hell of it -- when really all we want to do is scream in a group environment. Scream Circles are non-denominational and are not associated with primal scream therapy. Scream circles are for females only. "

What are Honesty Circles? 

" Honesty Circles are safe, small gatherings of people who want to build a healthy relationship with money, and commit to small practices that align the way we steward our money for a better world. We meet once a month to listen deeply, share perspectives, and examine our own relationship with money as a lens for inner transformation. "


1. Form a circle and get into a comfortable seated position.
2. A chosen initiator begins the activity by leaving the circle, then finds a container in which to insert the head: diaper boxes, doghouses, ovens, washer/dryers, and cabinets work well. 
3. The initiator then screams at top volume for as long as possible while the remaining inner circle works to speak honestly without usual conversational filters. When speaking in the circle, interrupting and talking over others becomes the norm.
4. When the initiator is finished screaming, they return to the circle. The next person leaves to scream while the remaining people continue to talk.
5. The activity ends once each person in the circle has screamed into the container. 

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