Sunday, March 8, 2015


'I-Don't-Get-It' by Minty

In I-don't-get-it, a group member sits in front of the other four holding a stack of pre-made cue cards. The text is written in four colors that each correspond to colors which designate each remaining member.

1. The card holder begins a conversation of their own choosing, and ,when they finish speaking, must show the other group members a new cue card.

2. The person whose color matches the text of card must read the card back to the card holder, inflecting the text with a tone of voice if they choose.

3. The card holder, who cannot see the phrases on each card, must improvise a response to was what parroted back in order to propel the narrative they are creating.

4. The card holder continues to cycle through the cue cards until the "I Don't Get it" card is drawn, at which point the game ends.

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